Nutrition To Perform

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Did you know March is National Nutrition Month? This year, the slogan “Personalize Your Plate” from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics speaks widely to the need for personalized nutrition to meet individual needs and goals.

Have you ever tried to follow a marketed dieting strategy because you thought, “This one is the one that is going to work for me”? Chances are perhaps you have --- but the irony in all of this is how can something work “just for you” if it is being marketed to the masses? And how sustainable is it, if it doesn’t fit your lifestyle? Don’t let marketing strategies and companies fool you! Your plate can and should be customized to YOU!

In my personal practice, I strive to apply the “all foods fit” mentality when helping my clients recognize that “yes!” their plate should be personalized to them! Personalized sports nutrition can and should be celebrated because of the individuality each athlete brings to the table.

How can your plate be personalized to fit your day? Consider the following:

  1. YOUR Culture – Cultural backgrounds play a huge role in every person’s household. Personally, I come from a Polish/Slovakian heritage, which means that I grew up with my mom preparing potato-based dishes, delicious breads and pastries, and holiday traditions centered around our heritage’s unique foods and recipes — YUM!!! I have worked with clients of various ages and cultural backgrounds, educating them on the reality that the foods they find to be the most comfortable to them can be enjoyed and should be celebrated! Red rice, brown rice, or white rice --- guess what!? They each offer a great source of carbohydrates! Spinach, bok choy, or collard greens -- guess what!? They each offer a great source of micronutrients like vitamin K, calcium, and fiber!

  2. YOUR Needs – Depending on your age, height, weight, gender, your sport, period of your season, current injuries, or season goals, your nutritional needs will vary from your training mates and/or competitors. The “one-diet-fits-all” ideal, simply has been proven time and time again to not be an effective approach. My job is to learn about and educate my clients on their individualized needs and to do so with a customized approach based on their personal background, health history, lifestyle, and desires.

  3. YOUR Food Preferences – Your favorite foods may be another’s least favorite foods. Don’t get any satisfaction from eating broccoli? Then, my professional philosophy is accepting that, while working with my clients to determine what alternative foods provide satisfaction to them!

  4. YOUR Food Availability – Whether it be the type of grocery store you prefer to shop at, who prepares your meals, how much time you have to prepare your meals, or your weekly grocery budget – this is unique to you! My job as a sports dietitian is to set my client up for success - not despite their individualistic parameters, but because of their specific requests!

Are you wanting the freedom to make YOUR own food choices, but are feeling like you need guidance to figure out how to create healthy but personalized meals that can optimize YOUR health and support YOUR sport performance goals? Contact me today at to see how I can help you achieve this!

I would love to hear from you and celebrate what makes you, you! In the meantime, be well and be YOU!

 ~Dana Sivak, MS, RDN, CSSD, LDN, Founder of Nutrition To Perform, LLC

“Personalized sports nutrition can and should be celebrated because of the individuality each athlete brings to the table.”